Monday, November 30, 2009

Daniel playing outside...

I would like to ask all of you to keep Daniel in your prayers. He has had a cough now for over three weeks. He had a fever three weeks ago also which passed. This weekend Bill brought him into Urgent Care on Bitburg base, he had a fever with a horrible cough and non-stop crying. He was diagnosed with croup, which is pretty much a horrible cough. They gave him a steroid shot in the leg to help him get over it quickly. He was also given amoxicillin for the start of an ear infection, which he has to take twice a day for 10 days and of course he hates the taste of it. He is sleeping a little better at night, but I'm not sure he is getting better. I called peds today to see what they think I should do as it has been two days since they gave him that shot. I am waiting to hear back from them. I will keep you updated.


Zeimetz Family said...

I remember growing up Tim used to get croup a lot. I think my parents ended up putting a humidfier in the room to help...

Gruenes said...

I talked to the doctor today and they said that he needs to keep the cough, so it doesn't turn into pneumonia. The steroid shot was to keep his airways open, so he can breathe. His eating is not so good, but he did finish his first bottle tonight for the first time in two days. He hasn't wanted any of our food, which is not him. If you know Daniel, he cries if you are eating something and he doesn't get any of it. He was also a little happier this evening, so I think he is getting a little better. We will see how tonight goes.

Nichole and Pete said...

I hope Daniel is feeling better soon...poor guy. I'll be thinking about him.

Gruenes said...

Daniel is pretty much back to normal, minus the diarrhea from the medicine. He has his appetite back, but is still having problems with solid food, he throat must be sore from all the coughing. As far as I know he slept through the entire night last night:o)

Nichole and Pete said...

Glad to hear he is feeling better!!