Sunday, December 06, 2009

Wadrill, Germany: Gruenes family history

Bill & the girls

The girls

A little garden area in the village of Wadrill.

The girls in front of the St. Martin fountain in Wadrill.

The church.

We believe this is the year the church was built.

Another part of the church.

The other side of the church.
We were very excited when we found out that Bill's Great-Grandma Lauer (born in 1861) on his Dad's side was from the village of Wadrill, which is only about 45 minutes to an hour from our house. We were disappointed to find out that the interior of the church was being completely redone. The inside looked beautiful, but we were not able to go in to get any pictures. Also there was no one for us to talk to to get information from. It was also a very cold day, so no one was outside. We just stopped into the bakery and the man working didn't speak very good English. We barely got out of him how old the church was, so we decided not to ask any more questions. Bill is going to go back before he leaves Germany to see if he can find out if there is any family still in the area and he is hoping to get some pictures of the inside of the church.

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