Sunday, December 13, 2009

A quick update...

So, we have a crazy week ahead of us. Tomorrow we have MOPS, then the rest of the day will be spent making goodies for the airman on base, we did this last year too. Except last year my sister was here to help out. So this year we are going the easy route making puppy chow, no bake cookies, peanut butter fudge, chocolate fudge and banana bread muffins. We are suppose to be making cookies, but I thought it would be fun to switch it up a bit this year. Anyway Tuesday we have playgroup, then afterwards we are going to drop off our goodies. Wednesday we are off to Ramstein for Bill's surgery. Thursday is Daniel's birthday, he also has his one year well-baby check that same day. I'm sure after Daniel's appointment we will be off to the library for storytime. Friday will be my cleaning day as we planned a last minute birthday party for Daniel on Saturday. Then from there is Christmas. And from Christmas we await my cousins visit to Germany in January. After spending two weeks with Brenda the kids and I will be going back to the states with her help. We can't wait to spend four months with family before we head to Texas in June.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I didn't know Bill is having surgery. Is everything ok? So you are coming to the states for the last 4 months of your station in Germany? I suppose that means Bill will still be in Germany until June. He sure is going to miss his kids being without them for 4 months. Sounds like you have a crazy next couple of months! Glad everything else seems to be going good for you guys. Happy Birthday Daniel!! Take care and have a Merry Christmas!