Monday, November 09, 2009

Daniel's 9 month photo shoot!!!

Our cute little guy!!!

Daniel is now taking one and two steps by himself, he is just not to sure yet. He also cut his two upper one-year molars yesterday, that makes ten teeth now. I also brought him in last Thursday for his first dental visit. The reason we brought him in before he was one was because his gums are connected to his upper lip. We didn't even notice it until his 9 month well-baby check when the doctor pointed it out. The dentist is not concerned right now, he just said that Daniel will always have a gap in between his front two teeth. He also said that if he has problems later on with crowding that they can clip it then and reattach it to make more room. Daniel also started clapping yesterday and said "bath" today for the first time!!!

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

Awesome job on walking, Daniel!!