Saturday, November 07, 2009

Alyssa Nikay

This picture turned out great.
She was actually sitting on the ground picking hazelnuts.

By the fountain in Herforst.

Riding on Grandma and Grandpa's luggage.

Wearing Daddy's ABU's.

Crazy hair!!!

All ready to start driving just a little short:o)

One of the leaves she picked off the tree.

Serious face:o(

Check out that castle!!!

Alyssa is growing up so quickly and still patiently waiting to start school. She catches on to things so easily. She has started reading some words by herself, she is great at remembering her Bible verses for AWANA, she is even teaching Hannah how to write the letters in the alphabet. She can now tie her shoes all by herself without any help at all. Her new favorite thing to do besides reading books is coloring. She has finally gotten into that stage where she is using all different colors and she does a great job. I am looking forward to mailing some of her pictures to all of you. She loves the projects that she gets to do at MOPS, Creative Critters and storytime at the libray. She is getting very detailed and is usually the last one to finish her projects. She also looks forward to playgroup every Tuesday.

Since Grandma and Grandpa left in September we have started reading and watching Little House on the Prairie. We have watched the whole first season and are working on the second one. We have also read the whole first book in the Little House on the Prairie series and we are half way through the second one. Alyssa loves listening to the books even though there are not pictures on every page, she has a great imagination. Hannah on the other hand will listen for a little bit, then she is off to play with Daniel. It will come in time for her. I am also enjoying the books as I have never read them before. As for the shows, I think I have seen every one of them so far when I was a little girl:o) The girls really get into the shows and are very concerned at times and ask lots and lots of questions. As for Daniel I am going to have to get a video of him when the Little House on the Praire theme song comes on. He dances like crazy!!!

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

Such cute pictures!! Well, that serious one is kinda scary ;)