Monday, November 02, 2009

Daniel Man!!!



Pulling the train tracks apart.

Going for a ride in the stroller at the airport.

Climbing the stairs for the first time!!!
Just look at Alyssa's concerned face, I had her stand behind him while I went to get the camera.

Caught between the closet and the wall.
Funny story Hannah was napping and Alyssa & I were doing something. I heard Daniel crying and couldn't find him right away. Some how he had wedged himself in between the closet and the wall. Now it is just a place to hide.

Throwing the football.

Playing in the tub, he looks forward to this every night!!!

Outside in the grass and dirt!!!

So serious

Playing with the leaves.

This is the best picture I could get of Daniel's pointer fingernail. Well, he pulled the front door over his finger. He cried a little when it happened, but I was not to concerned. Just a couple days later it started yellowing and it eventually fell completely off. It seems to be growing back just fine. I haven't had to clip that nail in about one and a half to two months. I was a little worried as the doctor said that may grow back weird, but it seems to be just fine.

Daniel is growing like a weed. He is getting ready to move into 18-24 month pants already, but still in the 12-18 month shirts. He is now completely weaned off his Nutramigen formula and using Good Start. He still eats baby food when we are having something that he can't have, but he loves eating what we eat. He is cruising all over the place and walks with help from Mom and Dad. He actually took his first step by himself last Thursday, but refuses to do it again. He also learned how to wave both hi and bye bye and it is so cute. I am going to have to get a video of him waving. He enjoys all the activities we go to during the week. He actually plays with other babies his age. Alyssa and Hannah never did that until they got quite a bit older. It must have something to do with being the third child.


Nanabkm said...

The "So Serious" picture of Daniel he looks so much like his Great Uncle's Peter and Paul when they were his age. Any Solem's agree with me?

Nichole and Pete said...

He is getting so big. I love all the pictures...except the one of his finger...yuck :)

Anonymous said...

He is getting SOOO big! And by the way - the same thing happened to Aaron's thumb nail. It got slammed in a door, turned funny colors and then just fell off. Dr. said it was'll grow back in time!