Sunday, November 01, 2009

An Update...

Well, it has been quite a while since I gave everyone an update on our family. For those of you that didn't know we got our assignment to San Antonio, TX with a report no later date of June 15, 2010. So, we are looking forward to seeing family before the move to Texas!!!

We have lots of baby updates also. My sister found out that her and Pete are going to be having a baby boy around the end of February!!! Everyone was really shocked as every women on the Solem side has always had a baby girl first. I am very excited and can't wait to meet my nephew Owen!!! Sandy & Brady are due with baby number two around the middle/end of March. We have not found out the sex of the baby yet, but are patiently waiting!!! Tim & Lorraine are due with their first baby the end of May!!! Congratulations to the two of you!!! Then last, but not least Stephanie & Karl are due the end of June with baby number two!!! So, as of next June Bill and I will be Great-Uncle & Aunts to four babies, boy does that make me feel old.

So, our Halloween Day did not go as planned. Poor Hannah woke up with a fever and was not feeling the best, so Bill, Hannah & Daniel stayed home all day. Alyssa had a great day with Mommy and her good friend Emma and her Mom Allison. The four of us went to the Fall Carnival at the Elementary School in the afternoon. Then we all came back to our house for supper. We all headed back to base once it was dark for trick or treating in base housing. And last we went to the Chapel for the Shine Festival. Alyssa and Emma had a lot of fun the whole day/night. I asked Alyssa what her favorite part was and she said that it was running from house to house getting candy.

I will give you an update on the kids as I post some pictures of each of them. I know you enjoy the pictures a lot more than me just rambling on. All I will say is that they all are growing up way to fast:o(

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