Sunday, November 23, 2008

St. Martin's Festival...

The girls running around with Eva, their German friend.

Alyssa and Eva with lanterns that they carried through Herforst.

Alyssa & Hannah all bundled up ready for the walk through Herforst.

Alyssa & Daddy at the bonfire.

Alyssa holding Daddy's Bitburger.

Hannah taking a bite of the pretzel that all the children got.

Hannah with Mr. & Mrs. Anthony our neighbors across the street. Mr. Anthony is also our handyman for the house we are renting.

Alyssa at the bonfire. The girls had a blast!!! When we walked home that night we saw right in the village a hedgehog and a fox. We thought that was pretty neat. St. Martin's Day is actually on the 11th of November, but they celebrate it on the weekend, so the kinder (children) are not out so late during the week.

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

That festival sounds like a lot of they have anything like that going on when I'm visiting?? If not maybe next time!!

P.S. that pretzel looks yummy...I want one ;)