Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Daun, Germany-The Animal & Adventure Park


Hannah and the monkeys!!!

Check out the scenery behind Daddy & Hannah.

Alyssa feeding the donkey!!!

Oh look, Hannah's feeding eyeore.

Alyssa, Mommy & Hannah petting the goats.

Daddy & Hannah headed up hill.

Alyssa watching the wild boar eating.

This is how a lot of Germany looks, isn't it beautiful?

Alyssa going for a ride!!!

The girls riding the horses!!!

The girls on the teeter totter.

Alyssa on the zipcord, just like Diego!!!

Alyssa climbing.

Hannah at the top of the slide.

Check out this swing.

The girls on the trampoline, it made me miss our trampoline. They had so much fun on it.

Alyssa cruzin in the helicopter.

Oh look it's the billy goat gruff with Alyssa and Daddy.

Hannah and Daddy.

Hannah & Daddy ending the day feeding the animals. The girls had a blast here. We got there about 11:00 in the morning and didn't leave until after 4:00. We will be going here again, it was a lot of fun for all of us.

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

The animal park looks like a lot of fun!! I especially like the round swing ;)