Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Weekly update...

  • Nov. 4-6 our van was in the shop getting fixed that ended up being around $850 out of our pocket, now we just have to be a little more careful with it.
  • Nov. 5 we went in for our hospital tour, I guess we can expect my stay in the hospital to be 5-10 days after my c-section, so we called my sister and had her extend her stay in Germany. She will be staying with us for about 25 days!!! Five days after my sister leaves Germany Ben will be arriving to stay with us for 10 days!!! Six days after Ben leaves Grandma & Grandpa G. will be arriving for a little over a week!!! We are going to be very lonely after everyone leaves:o(.
  • Nov. 7 I had a doctor's appt. Baby is growing right on schedule, he is still scheduled to arrive on December 17th, only five more weeks to go!!!
  • Nov. 8 we celebrated St. Martin's Day with our German neighbors/friends. All the children of Herforst carried lanterns through the village while a marching band played music. It ended with a bonfire and sugar covered pretzels for all the children. It was a lot of fun for all of us, the girls had fun with Eva, our neighbors granddaughter.
  • Nov. 9 we went to church in the morning and Alyssa went to her AWANA class in the evening. Alyssa is now officially caught up to the rest of the kids in her class. Next week she should get three patches for her vest and she is very excited about it.
  • Nov. 11 Bill had the day off from work for Veteran's Day. I was suppose to meet with my dibetic doctor, but I cancelled as all my blood sugar level reading were fine for the last two weeks. So, we all spent the morning painting the last room that we wanted to get painted before the baby comes that being the spare bedroom upstairs.
  • Nov. 12 (today) the girls and I went to the Creative Critters class that they have here on the Spangdahlem base. It was a lot of fun for all of us, we will definately be going to this whenever they have it, which is usually twice a month. The girls made pumpkins and turkeys, they played a game, sang songs and got to hear a new story.
So, that is our update for the last week and a half. I hope you enjoyed reading all about it.

1 comment:

Dawn S. said...

Wow! 5-10 days in the hospital...why? I had a c-section and I was in there for 4 days but that is because I was on all of the machines and drugs for the HELP Syndrome that I had. They let me go as soon as I was off the machines. Sounds like you are all enjoying Germany! I finally updated our blogsite. Take care