Monday, November 03, 2008

Weekly update...

  • October 26th we all went to church. After naptime Bill and I carved out the pumpkins and the girls watched, as they wanted nothing to do with it. Alyssa started AWANA (church school on Sunday evening for a couple hours). She is very excited about it and looking forward to earning her cubbies vest.
  • October 28th I went in and met with my diabetic doctor to find out that everything is looking great, but they still want me to continue to prick my finger four times a day. And of course they still want me to come in every two weeks to meet with them. Me personally I think they just want me to come in so they can get the money from our insurance company for the appt. Oh well, I guess I have to do what I am told, just in case anything changes for the baby's sake.
  • October 30th the girls and I went to the library for story time. Alyssa entered a coloring contest the week before, by coloring a pumpkin. She won first place for the three year olds and they have her picture on display at the library. In the evening Bill and I took the girls over to a hanger on the base and they had "Trunk or Treat". Alyssa and Hannah got to play some games, we all got to eat some food and then they got a ton of candy. They had a blast.
  • Halloween night we brought the girls over to the school to a carnival. Once again they got to play some games and win some candy. We had some food then headed to base housing to go "Trick or Treating". That lasted about three places and they were both cold and ready to go home, which was just fine with us. When we got home we saw our neighbors with their Granddaughter, Eva. Eva (she will be three in December) is Alyssa and Hannah's German friend, so we made her up a bag of candy since we had a ton. German's do not celebrate Halloween, but she was very excited to get all the candy, of course.
  • November 2nd Alyssa went to her second AWANA class. When I picked her up she was wearing her Cubbies vest and very proud, now she just has to learn a few more bible verses and she will get some patches to put on it. We started her a little late, so she has three weeks to catch up to the other kids. She is doing a great job!!!

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