Sunday, November 09, 2008

Some random snapshots...

Alyssa's paint/spaghetti face. Hannah decided to paint Alyssa's face when we were all painting the laundry room a couple weeks ago.

Hannah just loves spaghetti, can you tell?

Alyssa making pretzels with her newspaper hat on that Dad made her.

Hannah & Alyssa playing with the potato heads.
Doesn't Hannah look thrilled?

Mommy, Hannah & Alyssa having a tea party.

Hannah & Alyssa with a puzzle that Alyssa put together. She has really gotten into puzzles lately and can put them together very quickly.


~Chris~ said...

Love the Potatoe head Pic.. Alex has 1 and Madi likes to take all the parts away and hide them. You look great!

Anonymous said...

Will really got into puzzles too when he was 3! And I love the newspaper hat by the way! (The pretzels look yummy too!)