Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The last 2 weeks...

  • Nov. 13th when Bill got home from work Alyssa was doubling over in pain. At first we thought she was just trying to get some extra attention or was maybe hungry. Even though she had had a snack not long ago. Well, it continued, so we decided to bring her into Urgent Care on Bitburg base. Come to find out she had a urinary tract infection and it would have been worse if we hadn't brought her in when we did. So, she had to take medicine for 10 days, which we just finally finished yesterday. For those of you that know Alyssa pretty well, she doesn't do good with new things or medicines. The first dose was a fight, but she overcame the fear of it and took most of her doses with no problem at all. We were very proud of her. She was completely better the next day.
  • Nov. 14th the girls and I met Bill for lunch in the hanger across the street from his work for his Squadron Thanksgiving lunch. It was nice to eat somewhere besides at home for once.
  • Nov. 15th Bill and I brought the girls to Eifelpark-Gondorf. In the summer it is an amusement park/petting zoo, but in the late fall/early winter it is just a petting zoo. So we got to see a variety of deer, wild boar, bears and goats. We spent the day walking on trails and enjoying the fresh air, it was very relaxing.
  • Nov. 16th we went to church in the morning and Alyssa went to AWANA that evening for her class. She looks forward to it every week. She got three patches to add to her vest!!!
  • Nov. 17th I joined the MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) club. It was nice as I got to drop off the girls in thier classrooms and enjoy some adult time for about two hours. It was Hannah's first time without Alyssa or Mommy and she did pretty good until the other Mom's were showing up to get thier children. So, when I got there she was all teary eyed, which broke my heart. Hopefully she lets us do this again as there are two more MOPS meetings before the baby comes.
  • Nov. 18th we all had our WIC appts. Alyssa is still in the 50th percentile for both height and weight and Hannah is now in the 75th for weight and 95th for height.
  • Nov. 19th I went to a Bundles for Babies class, which everyone got $75.00 worth of free baby items at the end. Once again it was nice to have some time to myself without the girls, it is very rare these days. You really miss family a lot more when they are not around. We are looking forward to my sister coming in about a week!!!! On my way home from the class I got a speeding ticket on base and I know I wasn't going over the speed limit. That kind of ruined my night, I was very upset about it.
  • Nov. 21st we had a doctor's appt. Baby is right on target, now weighing about 5 lbs. 12 oz. We have our next appt. the day before Nichole flys in. So, are we going to guess the day and weight again like we did with Hannah?
  • Nov. 22nd Bill and I brought the girls to see Curious George at the Powerzone on base. Hannah was very excited to see him, she followed him around the store saying monkey. Then we went to the annual Holiday Bazaar on Spangdahlem base. It was alright, but we expected it to be so much more. We picked up a few items for Christmas gifts and some food items.
  • Nov. 23rd we went to church in the morning and then Alyssa went to AWANA that evening. Bill volunteered to help clean up at the Holiday Bazaar. So, snow is suppose to be pretty rare here in Germany. I guess if it snows, it is usually gone by noon. Well, I think we brought snow with us from ND. Saturday and Sunday it snowed most of the day, so the girls got to get into thier winter gear and play in the snow. It was beautiful as there was no wind like we are use to. I could have stayed outside all day long. I love the snow, but not the wind so much, it was like being in ND/MN again.
  • Nov. 25th (today) the girls and I ran some errands and headed to playgroup, which we have now been to twice. It is very small compared to what we are use to in GF, but it at least gives them the chance to play with other children. It was better this week than last as there were less people there today.


Nichole and Pete said...

My Guess:

Date: December 17th, 2008
Weight: 8lb. 12oz.

I really want to say he'll be 13lbs. 13oz. to fit in with Alyssa (3lb. 3oz.) and Hannah (8lb. 8oz.), but I'll go easy on you cause that would be a BIG baby!!

Pete's Guess:

Date: December 17th, 2008
Weight: 8lb. 2oz.

Nanabkm said...

Grandma M's guess:

Date: December 12th, 2008
Weight: 8lb. 14oz.

I know he is scheduled for Dec. 17th, but I think he may want an earlier entrance into his life! Maybe even on Daddy's birthday on the 13th!!!

Grandpa M's guess:

Date: December 17th, 2008
Weight: 8lb. 15oz.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you joined MOPS! I'm in MOPS here and love it!

Hard to believe you are so close to D-day already! Can't wait to hear all about HIS arrival!!