Friday, August 08, 2008

We made it to Germany!!!

I just wanted to write a little to let all of you know that we made it to Germany safe and sound Wednesday and on time. Yesterday we got our rental car, very expensive over $300.00 (actually ended up being $450.00 with the insurance tacked on) for one week, we are hoping that our van gets here by next Thursday, so we don't have to use it after that. We made it to Bitberg to look at a three bedroom apartment yesterday and also went to the bigger Commissary to get some more groceries. I was surprised that the prices were pretty much the same as in the states. Bill is bring in a copy of my medical records today to the housing office, so we can look at a four bedroom instead. We are still thinking we are going to live off base, as we can make more money that way. I am going to go as I have a bed awaiting me for a nap. I will write more later.


Lisa said...

I'm glad to see y'all made it to Germany safely! You will have a wonderful time there, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

Thank You for blogging. I've been checking everyday to see if you had made it to Germany. I hope the trip went well. I'm looking forward to hearing about Germany and how things are going.
We loved your last posting of the pictures you had taken. They turned out great.
The Macs