Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our first week in Germany....

We pretty much spent the first week adjusting to the seven hour time change. I think all of us are pretty much all on track again. Hannah has been getting up in the mornings at 7:00 and Alyssa will sleep all morning if I let her. Alyssa has been having trouble getting to bed at night, she has been wanting Bill or I to sleep on the extra bed in her room. Tonight she was very tired, I think that is due to getting up at 7:30 and only taking at very short nap this afternoon.

We decided to turned down on base housing as it just wasn't what we wanted. We were given three places to look at a three bedroom apartment, a four bedroom apartment, and a four bedroom duplex. That was very stressful as now we have to find a house/apartment/duplex off base to live in. So, far we have looked at two places off base. Both of which were in Herforst, Germany, which is only about three miles from the Spangdahlem base. One was a six bedroom apartment and the other was a three bedroom apartment. We found out today that they will only pay for us to live in TLF for a total of 15 days, more stress. That means we have to find a place by the 21st of August.

Saturday we decided to venture out into the city of Trier, that was a bad idea, as we had nothing to go to and just ended up driving around the city. Thank goodness for our GPS that we decided to purchase with the European maps on it. Driving can be a little crazy especially since we don't know German and all the driving signs are in German. It was just interesting to see another city.

Sunday we decided to check out the Protestant service and it just happened to be a Contemporary service outside, but it is normally a traditional service. We really enjoyed the service, but would like to check out the traditional service as well. They usually do the the Contemporary service in the evening on Sundays, so we will have to check that out one week too.

Besides that we have made several trips to the Commissary for groceries as the TLF we are staying in is apartment style, which is great. We have gone to Bitberg base a few times to look at housing, check out the bigger BX, and get groceries at the bigger Commissary. Bitberg is about 10 miles from Spangdahlem base. We checked out an Itailian Ice Cream shop in Speicher yesterday and got to use our first of the Euros.

So, overall we are having a great time. We will just be better once we find somewhere to live, get our own van back, purchase a second vehicle and get all of our personal belonging back.

1 comment:

~Chris~ said...

I am glad you guys have adjusted to the Time change and such.. Hope the Kids will start to sleep better soon.. Isn't Bitburg Commissary and BX nice? Ramstein is allot bigger.. Hope you find a House and remember.. It will work out.. Stress is not good for you!
Take care and look forward to Updates.