Sunday, August 24, 2008

We are in our new house!!!

I just wanted to let all of you know that we are now officially in our new house as of this last Thursday. The mover brought our early shipment on Wednesday and we also got our loaner furniture that day too. Wednesday evening we spent cleaning all the bedrooms upstairs.

Thursday we went to our first WIC appointment and got a brand new stove as the prior renters ruined the one they had, which was fine with us a new stove is better anyway. Bill and I spent Thursday and Friday getting just the kitchen cleaned up the prior renters were pretty gross people according to the landlord.

Friday we went to my first doctor's appointment in Trier, Germany. We waited an hour and a half before we got in, and that is a normal wait. My doctor is German, but she does speak English very well. We both really liked her a lot. It is different for sure as the doctor did my blood work, ultrasound and everything else. The ultrasound doubled checked that we are still having a little boy!!! Friday night ended at about 2:30 in the morning for Bill and I as we cleaned late and then realized that our refrigerator was keeping the food cool enough, to top it all off we had just gone to the grocery store and stocked up on groceries. Bill ran to Spangdahlem to the Shoppette to get ice.

Saturday started with a brand new refrigerator!!! It continued as the last three days with cleaning. Needless to say the girls have been watching a lot of movies on the laptop the last three day. We ended the evening going for a walk in Herforst, which is the town we live in. Just down the street there are three walking paths that go to other towns in the area. We live in a very small town and like the neighborhood a lot, it is very quiet!!!

Today we spent the morning cleaning and organizing what we have so far. Then after lunch we played with the girls for awhile before putting them down for their naps. While they were sleeping we actually got ready, that didn't happen yesterday, as we were to busy cleaning. Once they get up we are planning to go do something, not sure what quite yet. I will keep you all updated and post pictures of the house once we get it all cleaned and get the rest of our stuff.

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