Friday, August 29, 2008

Recent pictures...

Here we are by our street sign just down the street from our house.

The front of our house.

Hannah, Alyssa & Daddy looking at a slug they found in the grass.

The back of our house, it also shows the lower level apartment under us. We have the top two floors, which were originally two apartments now made into one.

This weeks update:
Monday: Bill pretty much just started back to work since we got here, now that we now have a house, life is a lot easier.
Tuesday: Alyssa had her first doctor's appointment in Bitburg, as that is where all the children are seen.
Wednesday: I finally got to take my driver's test and passed with a 94%, I was just hoping for an 85%, which is passing. Once Bill got home from work we all headed to Speicher and went to a German store and Grocery store for the first time ever. That was very interesting. I have to tell you they had a box of Pop Tarts for 6.50 euros, which is about $9.00 for one box. I thought that was just crazy. We ended up purchasing 2 different chocolate bars at the grocery store. At the other store the girls each got a baby doll, a package of bath toys and a 5 pack of doorstops, which cost about 6 euro. I just had to tell you all about our very first experience in a German store/grocery store.
Thursday: The girls and I ventured out by ourselves for the first time. We went to the base and ran a bunch of errands. I have to take advantage of that while I can as we will only have one vehicle as of next Thursday when we return our rental car.
Today: We met Bill at the PowerZone on base then all went to the grocery store. After supper we went for a long walk in the town we live in. We found the soccer field we were told about and a easier way to the walking paths from our house. Tomorrow we are planning a bike ride on the walking paths.
I will update with older pictures from the last two months as the days go on. Oh and we have a very active little boy, he is kicking and wiggling every chance he gets. Neither one of the girls were ever this active and I am only five months along. One last thing before I forget our shipment should be here on Tuesday and we will be able to schedule for everything to be delivered hopefully sometime next week!!!


Nichole and Pete said...

The house you got looks neat...I can't wait to see the inside...especially after all that cleaning you did!!!

~Chris~ said...

God I miss Germany.. Love the House and yes things over there have gotten way too expensive since they changed to Euro..