Monday, August 11, 2008

Week prior to Germany...

We spent the week prior to coming to Germany with the Gruenes side of the family. The girls had a blast at Grandma and Grandpa's house and enjoyed spending time with Aunts, Uncles and Cousins.

We all went with Grandma, Grandpa, Joann, Alex, John and Matt to the Stern's County fair in Sauk Center. The girls got to go on the fairswheel with Grandma and Grandpa for the first time ever. Alyssa went on several rides with Alex and had a whole lot of fun!!!

The Saturday before we spent the day with family and the girls got to go to their first parade in Albany. Alyssa didn't get into the candy thing to much, but Hannah just had a blast and she was a pro at the candy picking up.

Sunday we went to lunch at the church in Albany and they also had a kid's carnival going on. It was Grandma, Grandpa, Nancy, Kevin and Cousin Nick with us. Alyssa played lots of games, along with Nicholas. Hannah just had fun running around the playground and eating a sucker with Aunt Nancy!!!

We all had a very busy week. The week ended with supper at Sandy and Brady's house, which we finally got to see. We all enjoyed spending time with everyone.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of fun crammed into that last week! How do you like Germany so far?

Gruenes said...

A little stressful right now, there is so much to do. As soon as we get into a house and get all of our stuff we will be able to relax more. As soon as we get a house we can get our early shipment items. Then we will get the rest the beginning of September. We are also waiting on our van and we need to get a second vehicle for Bill to go to work in. We ended up renting a car for a full month instead of just a week, so that will help out a lot. We also need to get our driver's license for over here before we can pick up our van. So, that is just a taste of some of the things we need to do. We do like it a lot, but there is a lot to take care of before settling in.