Monday, July 28, 2008

The Girls

Here are the last of the pictures that we had taken last week. I can't wait to get the pictures back and share them with everyone!!! We have to have my Mom pick them up for us as they do not come in before we leave for Melrose, but we will get them back before we leave the US. Enjoy as I probably will not have anymore pictures to post before we get our desktop computer back the middle of August. Unless of course anyone decides to e-mail me some pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just got caught up on your blog and I am SO EXCITED that you're having a boy!! That will be fun! And all of the pictures are absolutely adorable!!! I need to get Ethan in this week for his 3 year pictures.

So you must be getting pretty close to moving to Germany, right? (If you're not already on your way!)