Friday, July 18, 2008

4th of July!!!

Bill made it home safely around 1:00 on the 4th of July. Bill, Alyssa, Hannah, Mom, Nichole, Pete and I spent the rest of the day celebrating the 4th of July. We went into downtown Grand Forks where the girls got to each ride a pony, go through the petting zoo, bounce in all kinds of bouncy castles and Alyssa also went on a horse carriage ride with Grandma, Auntie and Uncle. We got to eat Uffda-Taco's, elephant ears, cheese curds and mini donuts, yummy (our afternoon snack)!!! We went back to the house and grilled out then headed back for the 4th of July fireworks show which finally started at 10:30. Needless to say the girls were sleeping by the time we got back home at 11:30. We all had a very fun filled day!!! I will post some pictures later.

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