Friday, July 04, 2008


Well, we are all officially moved out of our house. They came last Tuesday and packed up the majority of our stuff. Wednesday they finished packing and put everything in to wooden crates and sealed it all up. We spent the rest of the week cleaning our house all up. Monday the other movers came and packed up our early shipment, which we should get just eight days after we arrive in Germany. Everything else should be there sometime the beginning of September. Tuesday we passed our housing inspection and Bill headed to his parents house to get our van to St. Louis. Bill and his parents made it safely to St. Louis and dropped the van off this morning, which we should get by the end of August. Last time I talked to Bill they were stopping to eat and had just three hours to go to get back to Melrose. So, Bill will be home tomorrow to spend the 4th of July with us!!!

I'm not sure how often I will get pictures on the blog, but I will try to keep you updated on our moving/baby status.

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