Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Last Week

I am trying my best to get all of you caught up on what we have been up to. The pictures of course will come later, unless some of you e-mail me some that I can post. We are just leaving all the pictures on the camera until we get our desktop computer back the middle of August. It's just easier that way.

Anyway, Bill, the girls and I spent 5 days at the Holiday Inn. Alyssa and Hannah really enjoyed the water park there and they can't wait to go to Splashers in the Canad Inn.

We finally decided that we need to do a family picture before we move, so we got Hannah's 17th month (suppose to be 18 month, but oh well), pictures of the girls together and our family picture. We had to do them in two sessions, two different days. I figured we would not be doing professional pictures again until we are back in the states again, so why not. The family pictures didn't turn out the best, but at least we got them done. The girls didn't want to cooperate.

Last Friday I went to the casino in Devils Lake with my Mom, Dad, Sister and Brother-in-law. I didn't make any money, but I had a good time just spending time with my family.

Last Saturday was Bill's going away party with his shop. We all met at Buffalo Wild Wings, as usual, then went to a few bars afterwards. I went back to Mom and Dad's and gave the girls a bath and got them to bed, then I met up with Bill and some other people from his shop.

Yesterday Alyssa, Grandma, Auntie Nichole, and I all got haircuts. I can't wait to post a picture of Alyssa's new haircut. She got it cut to her shoulders and it's just adorable. We finally got to save a lock of her hair for her baby book, she has only gotten it trimmed in the past. Thanks Kaylie!!!

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