Friday, July 18, 2008

The Fertile Fair

Bill, Alyssa, Hannah & I headed for Fertile Fair last Friday, the 11th. We spent the afternoon/evening with LaVonne, Bruce, Marissa & MarJenna. The girls had a blast feeding the animals and eating all that fair food. We spent the night in Winger, MN with the McWilliam Family. Saturday afternoon we headed back to the fair. Alyssa & Hannah were in the 4-H Fashion Review with Marissa & MarJenna. They spent the rest of the afternoon on fair rides, a first for both of them. Needless to say Alyssa fell asleep in my lap eating ice cream, that's a first. So, since the weather wasn't the best anyway we decided to head back to Grand Forks.


Anonymous said...

So you're still here, huh? When do you leave for Germany? Bet it's pretty soon!! Sounds like you're having a lot of fun with the time you have left here!

jdhovland said...

You guys are getting stationed in Germany? I was hoping to re-connect with Bill. This is Jon Hovland, we were stationed at GFAFB together from 1998-2002. I'll be in Brussels, Belgium for work next year so maybe he and I could get together to reminisce my email is