Monday, November 30, 2009

Daniel playing outside...

I would like to ask all of you to keep Daniel in your prayers. He has had a cough now for over three weeks. He had a fever three weeks ago also which passed. This weekend Bill brought him into Urgent Care on Bitburg base, he had a fever with a horrible cough and non-stop crying. He was diagnosed with croup, which is pretty much a horrible cough. They gave him a steroid shot in the leg to help him get over it quickly. He was also given amoxicillin for the start of an ear infection, which he has to take twice a day for 10 days and of course he hates the taste of it. He is sleeping a little better at night, but I'm not sure he is getting better. I called peds today to see what they think I should do as it has been two days since they gave him that shot. I am waiting to hear back from them. I will keep you updated.

Reading books with Mommy!!!

Here we all are again reading books before bedtime.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A tunnel near Ramstein, Germany.

This tunnel was very cool, built right through a mountain. We went through this when we went to the pumpkin patch in October. It was quite long too.


Playing in the leaves!!!

Raking up a pile of leaves to jump in!!!

Wearing the hat she made.

Alyssa's hat she made at the library.

Pumpkin face!!!

Butterfly face!!!

Rainbow face!!!

Alyssa and her person she made at the library.

Friday, November 20, 2009

To Santa: Christmas Lists 2009

Alyssa's side 1
Bottom item is candy cane (peppermint only)

Alyssa's side 2
Alyssa is wearing size 6 clothing.

Hannah's list she wrote with Mommy.
Hannah is currently wearing 4T clothing.

The girls are very excited to give these to Santa this year!!! This is the first year they have done a Christmas list.

As for Daniel we do not have a list for Santa. He is going into 24 month clothing and he loves boy stuff: cars, truck, & balls.

Alyssa doing somersaults down the hill!!!

I love her expression at the end!!!

Hannah rolling down the little hill by the pond!!!

The girls like rolling around in the grass and getting dirty!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

So do they look like twins???

People ask me all the time if Alyssa & Hannah are twins. I just have never noticed until these pictures how much alike they actually do look. This is the girls after having braids in their hair all day. Aren't they cute!!!

We have a walker!!!!

This one is the drunken walk, along with the hiccups!!!

Here is another along with Hannah never getting a turn.

Here are three short video clips of Daniel walking.
This one is Hannah getting her turn with Daniel!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Alyssa & Hannah's pumpkins they decorated!!!

Alyssa's orange pumpkin.

Hannah's green pumpkin.
Both of which we ended up baking.

Alyssa playing ball with Daniel: August 2009

Daniel is all boy. Throwing the ball was one of the first things that he did and he loves playing with any size ball. He might be a football player when he gets older. Who knows???

Alyssa dancing: July 4, 2009

Here are some of Alyssa's moves!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hannah and Daniel: June 14, 2009

Here is a video clip of Hannah rolling the ball to Daniel. I know it is five months old, but I always forget about the videos I have. I have set up a new system, so they don't get forgotten. I have a few more to post to get caught up on them.

The kids: April 2009

Here is an old, but cute video of the kids.

The girls together....

Making pizza with Dad!!!

Playing with dollies!!!

Taking a snooze in the van.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Homemade butter: all the steps

First start with heavy cream or whipping cream.

Shake it in a container for about 10-15 minutes.

This is what it will look like after shaking it. Put it in a bowl, draining off the buttermilk.

We had three containers that day and one ended up on the wall and floor, thanks to little Hannah. She got very excited and the container slipped out of her hands. Opps:o)

Adding the ice cubes to firm it up.

The final product after the salt is added!!!
We have made this a couple times since Bill remembered making this in school as a child. If you are interested here is the link to the recipe:

Some more pictures of Daniel!!!

Looking all grown up!!!

Wrestling with Mom!!!

In the tub!!!

This is Alyssa's doings, wait until Bill sees that I posted this one!!!

Our sleepy boy, I just love sleeping pictures:o)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fire Safety Week 2009 (October 10th)

Daniel watching the parade of fire trucks.

Hannah collecting candy!!!

Alyssa showing Dad her chocolate!!!

Alyssa & Sparky

Alyssa putting out the fire.

Hannah putting out the fire.

Alyssa petting the dalmatian.

Alyssa, Emma & Hannah in front of the fire truck.

The girls

Mom with the kids!!!

Our cuckoo clock

Here is a picture of our cuckoo clock that we got here in Germany. It is pretty unique!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Gruenes Family!!!

These little people were made by the girls at storytime. They made our whole family!!!
We are in order:
Daddy, Mommy, Alyssa, Hannah & Daniel

Monday, November 09, 2009

Daniel's 9 month photo shoot!!!

Our cute little guy!!!

Daniel is now taking one and two steps by himself, he is just not to sure yet. He also cut his two upper one-year molars yesterday, that makes ten teeth now. I also brought him in last Thursday for his first dental visit. The reason we brought him in before he was one was because his gums are connected to his upper lip. We didn't even notice it until his 9 month well-baby check when the doctor pointed it out. The dentist is not concerned right now, he just said that Daniel will always have a gap in between his front two teeth. He also said that if he has problems later on with crowding that they can clip it then and reattach it to make more room. Daniel also started clapping yesterday and said "bath" today for the first time!!!