Friday, March 06, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Hannah!!!

Hannah with her Finding Nemo cake that she picked out herself.

The Cake

Hannah with her Nemo balloons.

Eva, Hannah & Alyssa

Eating birthday cake.

Hannah with all her presents!!!

Look what I got!!!
We had a very small birthday party for Hannah this year, as we do not know a whole lot of people yet. We had our German neighbors over (Bella & Mattaus) along with their son, daughter-in-law, and grand children (Guido, Kerstin, Eva & Eric). All the kids had a blast playing together. Later in the evening Hannah opened her presents with Grandma & Grandpa M. on Skype. Hannah just wanted to thank Grandma & Grandpa M., Auntie & Uncle Pete, Brenda, Great Aunt Karen & Great Uncle Henry, & Great-Grandpa Solem for all the great presents. Everything was greatly appreciated!!!

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

That cake looks like it's loaded with frosting, my favorite, yummy now I'm craving cake!!