Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Little Puggle.........

Well, since Bill has been gone I decide to try Hannah in AWANA on Sunday evenings, so I can have a little peace while I go to church. I wasn't to sure at first how it was going to go as Hannah gets upset when she is without Mommy & Alyssa. I let her know before we left that she would not be able to be in the same class as Alyssa and of course she asked why. In the end she was okay with it and when we got there, she was just fine with me leaving her there. She is growing up so fast.
Potty training update...
Hannah started wearing panties on the 12th of March (just over 2 years old) and is doing a great job. She doesn't even wear a pull up at nap time, just panties. She is dry most mornings, but does not have an interest in wearing panties at nighttime. She insists that she should be wearing a diaper at nighttime. She has a occasional accident, but has the pooping part down. She is definitely a big girl!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

You look so proud Hannah, I'm glad you are getting better at being without Mom and Alyssa. You are so grown up!!