Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hannah's photo shoot....

So, I was hoping to do the kids pictures myself this year, but I don't know how that is going to go. They just don't look as clear as a professional photographer's pictures do. It might have something to do with Hannah throwing our camera on the floor. Or it might just be me. I am going to put her in more casual clothes for the next one. We will see how that goes.


Unknown said...

They are adorable! I know that Josh won't even sit for pictures if we take him some where, so for the time being it is only snap shots blown up to hang on the walls. :)

Nichole and Pete said...

Those are cute...I think professional pictures just always seem to be of a higher quality print than the ones taken on regular cameras...not sure why maybe it's just the fact that you know it's not from the studio, who knows!! But, the pictures you have done so far of the kids have all turned out really cute so that's a plus!!

brenduray said...

I really like the pictures you maybe just need to use like a sheet that is all on color or something for the background. Otherwise they are really good it's hard to get them to sit still and smile. Maybe just play with them a bit on a web site and you will be happier with them. You don't need to be a profesional to get good pictures my favorite pics from when I was little are the ones my dad took.