Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sitting on the potty after a bath...

Hannah has been pretty interested in potty training over the past couple of months. She has still been wearing diapers, but would go when she wanted to both number one and two. Well, she decided on Thursday that she was ready to wear undies as she calls them. She has been dry after naps for two days in a row now and woke up this morning dry. She is doing a great job and has only had an accident on Thursday, her first day in panties. She does still wear a diaper at both naptime and bedtime just in case. I am not going to jump ahead and have to wash her sheets everyday, especially with Bill being gone. That would be making to much work for myself. Once she makes it a week dry at naptime and a couple weeks dry at nighttime, we can eliminate the diaper. Way to go, Hannah!!!

Alyssa is now completely potty trained. She has not worn a nighttime pullup since the end of January and only had one accident that very first week. Way to go, Alyssa!!!


Nichole and Pete said...

Awesome job two are getting way too grown up!! :)

brenduray said...

They are so going to hate that picture when they are teenagers but it is so cute.

Anonymous said...

would love to lick both there fannys