Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Last two weeks...

First off I forgot to tell all of you that we have our c-section scheduled for the 17th of December, at that time I will be exactly 38 weeks along. That is if he decides he wants to be born that day or sooner. Hannah was also scheduled, but she decided to come before my scheduled c-section date.
On September 23rd I had my orange pop test and my blood sugar level was just three points away from diabetic stages. So, I had to go back in to get a blood glucose machine. The last week I have pricked my finger 4 times daily and tested my blood. Good news is I have been at a safe level every time. There was only once or twice that I have gotten close, but never over. I will find out now what I need to do, since my readings have been good. I think I still have to test myself, but not as often. I have to e-mail my reading in tonight and hopefully I will get a response from them tomorrow.
On the 26th of September we went on a bus/train ride to Trier, Germany for a tour of the city. That was the girl's first time on a train and they had a good time. We ate at a local restaurant, went into a couple of different churches, got to see some Roman gates and lots of other attractions. We were on the tour all day long and headed back to Spangdahlem around 4:00. It was a great day, except the fact that I was very sore from all the walking.
Also, on the 26th we took Hannah's binky (pacifier). She has not had it since, but still asks for it every time she goes down for a nap or bedtime, just to see if we will give it to her. Then we just tell her that she is a big girl now and doesn't need it anymore and she just smiles at us. She did great with the transition. Now we just need to get the hardware for the girls bunkbeds, so we can get her into a big girl bed.
Yesterday Bill and I painted both the girl's bedroom and the stairwell. The girls helped with their bedroom as they did when we painted the toy room a couple of weeks ago. We or should I say Bill did the stairwell when they were down for their naps. Bill did all the scarey parts like climbing the ladder to get all the edges and corners. It looks great now!!!
Last night we all went to the Shoppette and rented the Jungle Book 2 for all of us to watch as a family. We have also been collecting walnuts from our neighbors tree as they just don't pick them up. We have quite the selection of walnuts and the girls love to eat them for snacks.
All last week from Saturday to Thursday Bill was on 12 hours shifts, so the girls and I didn't get to do to much as we were stuck at home with no vehicle. Needless to say we went on a whole lot of walks, just to get out of the house. We are still looking for the right vehicle to purchase.
This morning we went to church and made lunch as a family. Alyssa and Hannah made the pancake batter and peanut butter balls for snack later. The girls have really gotten into helping us out in the kitchen, especially Alyssa. She wants to be a part of all the cooking when she can.

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