Friday, October 10, 2008

The Girl's first plane ride...

Just the girls.
Checking out the plane.

Mommy & the girls

Hannah & Daddy on our 2nd flight.

Mommy & Alyssa on our 2nd flight.
Our first flight to Amsterdam was perfect for Alyssa and Hannah, they were awake for about an hour or so and slept the rest of the time. Bill even got a few hours of sleep also, but I slept a total of like 20 minutes. I was very cold and just couldn't get comfortable. So, I was going on no sleep when we arrived in Luxembourg. The second flight the girls got to look outside and see the clouds a little, but they were also a little crabby from having to sit for another hour. The best time to travel for us is at bedtime, that way the girls sleep most of the way. Overall it was a pretty good experience, but not something I would want to do again for a while.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I remember flying with Nick when he was a toddler. Not fun! I hate planes anyway, it's so cramped.