Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Last 3 weeks-another update

We didn't do a whole lot the week of the 6th of October.
On the 11th Bill and I spent the morning painting our bedroom. Once we got ready we went to Fire Safety Week on the base in Spangdahlem. There were fire trucks there, ambulances, a fire house, a bouncy castle and free lunch. The girls had a blast!!! I will post pictures very soon as I am close to being caught up on my pictures.
On the 14th I had to go in to see the doctor about my blood sugar levels. I have to continue to prick my finger 4 times a day at least for the next two weeks.
October 16th we finally got a second car!!! Over the long weekend Bill went looking around in the local area and found us a car to buy. It is a 1996 Volkswagon Vento and it is blue/purple in color. We call it the purple people eater. Speaking of the car I will have to get a picture and post it soon. On the subject of vehicles I just have to tell about our van and now I know why insurance is so expensive over here. Well, we have to get some work done on it. First of all Bill scraped up the driver side in the back pretty good going through a construction area. Then just this last week I backed it into a car and the paint is now chipping off (nothing major at all), so we are setting up an appointment to have it all fixed. The damage is over $1000.00 and we are not claiming it on our insurance, as we do not want it to go up at all.
October 17th we had another doctor's appointment and once again got to see the baby in 3D, but his eyes were not open. I will post one of the pictures. He definately has the Gruenes nose, just like the girls do. The baby is growing just as he should, that is good to hear especially with my blood sugar level readings. We were at the hospital a total of three hours that day and all of our appointments will be that long from here on out.
The 18th we took the girls to the Animal Adventure Park in Daun, Germany for the day. We got to walk with the monkeys in a huge fenced off cage area. That was quite different, especially since there is no guide to walk through with you. We ate lunch in the van, then drove through the rest seeing donkeys, deer, wild boar, llamas, etc. Hannah took a short nap before we got to the end of the trail, which was a park. Both girls had a blast at the park climbing, going on rides, bouncing in the trampoline, going through the petting zoo, ect. We ended the day eating at an Italian restaurant in Binsfeld the village just over from us. The food was very good.
The girls and I spent the last week running around since we have wheels again. We went to the Airman's Attic, the Thrift Store, story time at the library, the BX, and the Commissary a couple times. I think we were out and about every day.
The 22nd we got our hardware that my parents picked up for us and mailed. The items that the packers decided to lose. So, the futon was immediately assembled along with the girl's beds. We have tried to put Hannah to bed along with Alyssa every night since then and she just will not stay in her bed and does not have a problem with being put in her crib.
Today Bill, the Girls and I painted the laundry room. When the girls went down for their nap Bill and I got the office painted. We were going to paint the Baby's room today, but now we are debating if we are going to keep the girls together in the same room or in separate rooms. We have enough rooms for them to have their own, but we just thought it would be easier for them if they shared. Tonight we are putting Hannah into her Big Girl bed once she is sleeping to see if that will help at all.
Well, sorry for rambling on, but I know some of you are interested in what we have been doing here in Germany, so this is your update for the last three weeks. Alyssa and Hannah have also been enjoying talking over the computer ( with Grandma and Grandpa M. and Auntie and Uncle K.

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