Sunday, October 26, 2008

In need of ideas...

So, if anyone has any advice for me on how to get Hannah to stay in her "Big Girl" bed please share.


Lisa said...

I would leave her in the crib. She's still young, and eventually she will want to be in the big bed. Why fight it?


Breaux said...

The average age for transitioning kids from cribs to beds is 30 months. It is never recommended to take a child out of a crib before the age of 24 months due to developmental readiness unless there is an immediate safety reason,such as jumping off of the railing where they could get seriously injured, etc. When she is developmentally ready for the transition, she will transition into a bed smoothly without problems. If you want to force the issue before she's developmentally ready, it won't matter which strategies you use, it will be more of struggle than if she were ready for the change. It just depends on what's most important to you guys and if it's worth the extra struggle. It takes predictability and security away from her and it's a really big change for a child. Since most people who don't work in the field don't know this kind of info and these kinds of statistics, I thought I'd pass them along. I hope they are helpful and it wil get easier!