Sunday, October 18, 2009

Klotten Wild und Freizeitpark

Grandma & Grandpa with the kids!!!

The girls

Alyssa on the horse.

Grandma & Hannah on the swing.

Mommy & Daniel on the horse.

Hannah & Grandma on the horse.

Daniel watching the girls feed the animals.

Hannah & Grandpa feeding the deer.

One of the bears begging for food.

Right after I snapped this picture this deer tried to get Alyssa because she was holding the deer food in her hand.

Grandpa and Alyssa on a ride!!!

Hannah riding the frog.

Alyssa on the frog.

Hannah & Grandpa on the flowerpot ride.

Alyssa & Grandma on the flowerpot ride.

Grandpa and Hannah coming down the boat ride. Hannah absolutely loved this ride. Alyssa tried it with me and wouldn't go down again. I guess Hannah is my dare devil, which doesn't surprise me one bit;o)

Grandpa & Hannah on the horse.

Hannah riding all by herself!!!

Grandma and Grandpa with the goofy kids. Just look at the kids expressions:o)

Grandma and Daniel

Grandpa and Alyssa on the swing.

The girls bouncing.

Alyssa posing for the camera.

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

Love the pose Alyssa!!

They do all have some pretty great expressions in that one photo with g-ma and g-pa :)