Friday, October 23, 2009

Hannah's most recent accident

So, the day we dropped Grandma and Grandpa off at the airport. We decided to venture to Ramstein to see the new mall/BX. They have a little kids climbing area, which is really nice. Hannah some how got turned around and started running the wrong direction. She hooked her chin on the part you climb up and bite a big chuck out of her tongue. She now has a scar on both her chin and her tongue, it happened about a month and a half ago. My poor little girl, she just has no luck. We were just in Ramstein again this past Friday as we had a Family Day for no DUI's. She was a little more cautious this time and Alyssa was helping her too. Alyssa is such a big helper with her brother and sister.

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

Poor Hannah...that looks like it hurt :( I'm glad she's all better now!!