Friday, October 30, 2009

Hannah in her bumblebee costume!!!

Hannah makes a perfect little bumblebee!!! We went into the Commissary after storytime yesterday and the kids were wearing their costumes. A lady working there took Hannah's picture in front of the Sue honey set up they had, she said that Hannah was perfect for the display.


Nanabkm said...

I love the bumble bee costume. Hannah makes a very cute bumble bee. Wish she could come buzzing over to Grandma & Grandpa's.

Nichole and Pete said...

That is a great bee costume Hannah. I was wondering the other day if you decided to go as a bee in order to blend in so you wouldn't get stung so often ;) Hope you have a lots of fun trick or treating...make sure mommy doesn't eat all your candy when you're not looking!!

Nichole and Pete said...

Look's a yellow and black Hannah attack!!

Uncle Pete

He's weird...funny weird (auntie)