Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday, Alyssa!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe that I already have a four year old little girl.

The cake

The kids

The girls eating the frosting off the cake.

Alyssa with her balloons!!!


Opening presents

I know I am placing these out of order, but I figured that you would be more interested in seeing Alyssa's 4th birthday pictures. The kids and I drove up to the Ramstein area that morning, it was a nice hour and a half or more drive. No one complained!!! We spent the afternoon at the pool on Ramstein base, then went out to an awesome Mexican restuarante for supper. The restuarante had a play room, which helped occupy the girls. After supper we went to this huge park on the base and the girls had a blast. Then came cake and presents right before bed. Alyssa went the whole day without a nap and Hannah only got in about a 20-30 minute nap on our drive up. We were very surprise how well they did. Alyssa really enjoyed all her presents. Thank you everyone!!!!


Nichole and Pete said...

Once again...I want cake...with lots of frosting...Yummy!! Looks like you had a good birthday Alyssa!! Did you get lots of cool presents?? Wish I could have been there, you will have to help me celebrate my 26th birthday (yeah I'm getting pretty old these days) when we come to visit in June :)

Lisa said...

Luke will be 4 on May 11th...The time goes by too fast.