Thursday, April 23, 2009

Daniel William...

These two top pictures are for Nancy & Kevin. Here is Daniel in the outfit you got him. He wore the sweatshirt all the time, but unfortunately he already outgrew it. He is growing way to fast. In onesie shirts he is already outgrowing the 6-12 month size (Old Navy brand), he has a very long torso. So I mostly put him in two piece outfits. His pj's are still 6-9 month, but who knows for how much longer. In outfits he mostly wears 12 month. Both Daniel and Alyssa have well baby checks on Monday, so I will give you a for sure weight then. We weighed him on the scale here and he is almost 20 pounds with clothes on.

You can see in this picture that he is not a fat little guy, he is just long and big. Yes, he does have a few rolls, I know.

Here he is holding some rings. He loves to play with his toys now and is tolerating his stomach a little better. Daniel still hasn't figured out how to roll from tummy to back, but we are still working on it. Oh, and last Sunday he laughed for the first time. He has a very cute little laugh!!! I am so excited for him to continue to learn new things and at the same time I am very sad, as he is growing up to quickly.

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

He's getting so big so quickly I can't even buy clothes on clearance for him cause who knows how long he'll fit it, if ever!!

I'm guessing he's going to be a tall one when he gets older!!