Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our "new" Thomas the Train set

We have been looking into starting a train set for the girls since before Hannah's birthday. I have been hoping to find it used as it is so expensive. I found someone that was selling this Thomas train set. The people selling it were nice enough to throw in an extra train, so each of the girls would have one. Now we just need to find some extra track and trains. I am hoping to find it used, if anyone has any ideas please let me know.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

We LOVE our Thomas wooden trains. Jonah started with them when he was 1.5, and now Eli is just as enthused. We received some used, but most were bought new. They are expensive, but well worth the investment. If you let Grandma Gruenes know that they like the trains, she knows how to buy them for birthdays. She might even get the Bill & Ben engine set since they have cute names.