Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Daniel's smiles!!!!!!!!!!!


Daniel cooing...


Alyssa in another new pair of pj's

Kitty pajamas!!!

Sleeping babies...

Sick little Hannah just crashed on the couch.

Daniel taking a snooze in his pack n' play.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Baby Cory Ryan...

born March 18th to Sandy & Brady

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mister Daniel

First big smile on camera!!!

Daniel & Mommy

Daniel having a good dream. He just loves being in the sling. Now that his neck is stronger he can now face out while being carried around.

Playing Go Fish with Dad!!!

Reading to Daniel

I had to get a picture of Alyssa reading Daniel our "Liberty" book, it is a book all about the Statue of Liberty. Daniel just loves watching both of his sisters and I think he is going to like books as much as his sisters do.


So, I try to come up with different things for the girls to do. Well, this was my latest idea. The girls were very excited to be able to wear their swimming suits. They both just love the water anyway. I figured it would be safer to let them play with water in the tub. Less for me to clean up;o)


I had to put Daniel in this bathrobe just to take a picture. So, now I have a picture of each of the kids in it. He is just so adorable!!!!


hiding on the dress up clothes bin between the girl's closets.


caught trying to put Alyssa's shoe on.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Little Puggle.........

Well, since Bill has been gone I decide to try Hannah in AWANA on Sunday evenings, so I can have a little peace while I go to church. I wasn't to sure at first how it was going to go as Hannah gets upset when she is without Mommy & Alyssa. I let her know before we left that she would not be able to be in the same class as Alyssa and of course she asked why. In the end she was okay with it and when we got there, she was just fine with me leaving her there. She is growing up so fast.
Potty training update...
Hannah started wearing panties on the 12th of March (just over 2 years old) and is doing a great job. She doesn't even wear a pull up at nap time, just panties. She is dry most mornings, but does not have an interest in wearing panties at nighttime. She insists that she should be wearing a diaper at nighttime. She has a occasional accident, but has the pooping part down. She is definitely a big girl!!!!!!!!!!

Exciting week for both sides of the family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a picture of my cousin Debbie & Sam's brand new baby girl, Sophie. She was lucky enough to be born today on my birthday!!!! I am very excited for the two of them. Debbie continued the family tradition of having her first born be a girl. All of my Mom's sisters and herself had a girl first and so have all the granddaughters so far.

We also had more exciting news earlier in the week. Our niece Sandy and her husband Brady had a brand new baby boy, Cory Ryan. Cory was a month early and he is doing great. He was lucky enough to be born on Grandma Klein's 95th birthday the 18th of March. We are still waiting for a picture, which I will post as soon as I get it. Congratulations Sandy & Brady!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sisters playing dress up!!!

Alyssa and Hannah just love to play dress up. We keep the dress up clothes upstairs in their bedroom. And they always end up in Daniel's room.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our Three Cuties!!!

Daniel William

Hannah Ellen

Alyssa Nikay

Sitting on the potty after a bath...

Hannah has been pretty interested in potty training over the past couple of months. She has still been wearing diapers, but would go when she wanted to both number one and two. Well, she decided on Thursday that she was ready to wear undies as she calls them. She has been dry after naps for two days in a row now and woke up this morning dry. She is doing a great job and has only had an accident on Thursday, her first day in panties. She does still wear a diaper at both naptime and bedtime just in case. I am not going to jump ahead and have to wash her sheets everyday, especially with Bill being gone. That would be making to much work for myself. Once she makes it a week dry at naptime and a couple weeks dry at nighttime, we can eliminate the diaper. Way to go, Hannah!!!

Alyssa is now completely potty trained. She has not worn a nighttime pullup since the end of January and only had one accident that very first week. Way to go, Alyssa!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hannah's photo shoot....

So, I was hoping to do the kids pictures myself this year, but I don't know how that is going to go. They just don't look as clear as a professional photographer's pictures do. It might have something to do with Hannah throwing our camera on the floor. Or it might just be me. I am going to put her in more casual clothes for the next one. We will see how that goes.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Tea party w/ Dad!!!

Bill left for the academy two weeks ago and will be there for six weeks. We are very lucky as it is in Ramstein and he is still able to come home every Friday night and spend all of Saturday with us. He goes back on Saturday nights once all the kids are in bed. Everyone stationed in Europe goes to the academy in Ramstein. I'm just glad we are so close, it is only an hour and twenty minute drive for him.

And you thought you were having a bad day...

ponytails falling out, shirt on backwards, one sock missing and the other sock starting to fall off

Our Three Cuties!!!

This one is for you Grandma & Grandpa M. All the kids wearing an outfit you bought for them.

Just Hanging out...

Daniel William

Yes, this is Daniel

We never got a snowsuit for Daniel so when we go for walks he has the choice of two different pink snowsuits. Oh well, he has about outgrown both of them already and one is 0-6 months.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Hannah!!!

Hannah with her Finding Nemo cake that she picked out herself.

The Cake

Hannah with her Nemo balloons.

Eva, Hannah & Alyssa

Eating birthday cake.

Hannah with all her presents!!!

Look what I got!!!
We had a very small birthday party for Hannah this year, as we do not know a whole lot of people yet. We had our German neighbors over (Bella & Mattaus) along with their son, daughter-in-law, and grand children (Guido, Kerstin, Eva & Eric). All the kids had a blast playing together. Later in the evening Hannah opened her presents with Grandma & Grandpa M. on Skype. Hannah just wanted to thank Grandma & Grandpa M., Auntie & Uncle Pete, Brenda, Great Aunt Karen & Great Uncle Henry, & Great-Grandpa Solem for all the great presents. Everything was greatly appreciated!!!

Closest to a smile picture I have gotten so far.

So, Daniel will not smile if I have the camera out. This is a sort of smile picture.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Daniel and his fish!!!

Daniel just loves watching his mobile. He has one on his swing and one in his crib. Speaking of crib I forgot to mention that he has been sleeping through the night for a while now. He was going to sleep around 11 or 12 and sleeping until about 7:00. Now he is going to bed between 8 and 10 and sleeping until about 6:00. He is a very good baby!!!

Hannah dancing...


Alyssa dancing in her new strawberry pj's.

Funny story behind the pajamas. The day before Hannah's birthday we got our order from and I had order the girls these strawberry pj's, which by the way are a huge hit with them. Well, the very next day Hannah's birthday she opened up the exact same pair from Great Aunt Karen and Great Uncle Henry, so I am assuming that is what is in Alyssa birthday gift from them also. Anyway they both love the pj's. Everyday Alyssa asks me if her strawberry pj's are clean.

Daniel William

Daniel started smiling about two weeks ago and started cooing last week. He just loves it when we sing to him, he coos like crazy. I tried to get either on the camera, but of course he wouldn't do it. Enjoy the short video!!!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Promise

Alyssa Nikay