Saturday, February 10, 2007

Look what I found...

Alyssa found a dried pea under the kitchen table and carried it around for quite a while today. The things that interest her is just amazing.

Update: Today I am 36 weeks and one day along. We went in this morning and had the amino done around 8:30. The procedure went well, but was very painful. We got the results back around 10:30 that the baby's lungs are still underdeveloped. We will get the results back from the Mayo clinic in Rochester sometime Monday. The results will determine if baby will be born on Tuesday the 13th or Friday the 16th. We will keep all of you updated. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

That is hilarious, the whole pea thing!! I got a good laugh, Alyssa you are a cutie!!--Auntie KoKo

Anonymous said...

Please let me know what they did for the procedure...since you said it was painful, now I am a little scared for mine. Hope everything goes ok. The best thing is to make sure her lungs are developed before the delivery so you can take this little one home with you when you get to go home!