Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Alyssa and Mommy...

Alyssa and Mommy laying on the couch before church.

Another update: We found out yesterday that the baby would not be born today (February 13th). When I called today to see what time on Friday I was told that the baby's lungs were not going to be ready on Friday either. Now we just have a doctor's appointment scheduled for the 16th. So as of right now we do not know when she will be born possibly on the 23rd, but nothing has been set up yet by the doctor. I will keep you all updated.

1 comment:

Breaux said...

Tyler's birthday is the 23rd!!! I bet you guys are anxious to have her here yet excited that you were able to go to full-term. Is she very active? You look great! It's so wonderful that you both get to have the experience of having a full-term healthy baby that you'll be able to hold and cuddle. Good luck with the section, we'll be thinking about you all!