Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Alyssa wearing panties...

Here is Alyssa in her training pants (panties). She got to wear them today for a couple of hours. She peed and pooped in her potty chair, then a half an hour later she had an accident. We decided that we would start working with her more once we take the baby home and while Bill is on leave. That will give Alyssa something new to take on. She is starting to show an interest in her potty chair, but not the big potty.

Final Update:
We had a false alarm on the 16th and ended up going in for my doctor's appointment in the morning instead of that afternoon. I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid, but it just turned out to be a mixture of my mucus plug (which I lost earlier that week) and my cervix starting to thin out. I have never been this pregnant, so it is all new for me. I have also been having contractions that started Tuesday the 20th at night and they have just been continuing. We are scheduled on the 23rd for the c-section and we can't wait to meet our new little one. I will be 38 weeks and one day, so I will be considered full term. Hopefully her lungs are ready on Friday, so she doesn't have to spend any time in the NICU. I also can't wait to see Alyssa's reaction to the new baby especially once we take her home. I will keep you updated once we get home from the hospital. Keep us in your thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So have they actually taken out your stiches? I am glad to hear that the little one will be here soon and it is good that you are holding out until 38 weeks so you don't have to worry about some of the things like you did with Alyssa. Since I am induced early, I don't get to experience the real thing either except that I do get to have a vaginal delivery. I will be having my amnio at 37 weeks, on April 2nd.