Thursday, February 01, 2007


Here is Alyssa helping Daddy pick (eat) the ham off the bone to make soup. Now if you asked me if Alyssa liked ham I would have told you no, but here she is eating the meat right off the bone. She surprises me everyday.

Update: We are going into the hospital on the 9th of February for an amino. They will determine at that time if baby's lungs are developed enough. If her lungs are developed enough she will be born that day. If not, the fluid that they draw will be sent to the Mayo Clinic for more extensive testing. If the Mayo Clinic determines that her lungs are developed enough, she will be born on the 12th of February. If not, she will be born on the 16th of February, no later. I will keep you updated as we find out. Just keep us in your prayers that everything goes well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck! You are in my prayers. Please let me know what the amnio is like as I have to have one done to and it scares me. They will do it around 37 weeks or just before. Can't wait to see the new baby! I bet you are enjoying this one and being able to feel it move around and kick! That is the best part I think.