Monday, December 01, 2014


Back on the 21st of November I did my first run in Aviano, the Turkey Trot 5K!  Not my best time, but I did complete it in 29 minutes and 4 seconds.  Later that evening we had our first squadron get together for Thanksgiving, it was a good time.

On the 22nd we had friends over for the first time!  We always enjoy our time with the Webers!

The 24th I brought Daniel in for what I thought was a cold, it turns out he had an double ear infection.  First one for him, I just hope they do not continue...

The 26th I was able to attend Alyssa's first study trip to Agriturismo Gelindo (!  It was a great experience!  It is a resort/restaurant/farm, they grow everything they serve, so everything is seasonal and fresh.  The kids got to go to the barns and fields, go on a long carriage ride, make biscotti and ravoli, and eat some amazing food!  I was really impressed and can't wait for the next study trip!

On Thanksgiving we went to see Penguins of Madagascar and enjoyed brisket along with lots of other delicious food!  We went for a bike ride/run for me!  Enjoyed the day as a family and got to talk with Grandma and Grandpa Gruenes on the phone and the Moteberg side we were able to Skype with at the McWilliam farm!

Black Friday we did some things around the house and a lot of shopping.  We are not yet done with shopping, but close!  We went to Self, a do it yourself store, we picked up walking bricks and a plum tree.  Bill and the kids built a path over the mud for when it is raining and planted a tree in our yard.  Our yard only had one little bush in it, so I hope the landlords don't mind!  I am curious to see if it will produce any fruit in the next four years!

This past Saturday we decided to adventure out to Venice, only an hour and ten minute drive from our house!  Most people have told us to take the train, but we wanted to check it out in the van.  We parked outside of the city, took the people mover in, and wandered the streets of Venice for a few hours.  This picture is by the Grand Canal!  We did not take any boat rides this time, but just got familiar with the area as this will be a place that we for sure will be taking visitors!  It was a very relaxing day!

Yesterday we went to church as we do every Sunday, to the Commissary for some groceries and home to relax for the day.  The day consisted of homework with Daniel, Bill and Alyssa started her tee pee project, Hannah and Daniel sorted Legos and K'nex with me (so it is easier to build stuff), we watched a couple Christmas movies and started putting up the Christmas tree and decorations!  I love the Christmas season!!!

Today begins ten days of leave for Bill, he will be testing for Senior Master Sergeant in a couple weeks! Thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated!

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