Friday, December 19, 2014

Hours away from Christmas break...

I am continuing from December 10th, since that is when I wrote last!  The evening of the 10th we attended our first Aviano Tree Lighting Ceremony.  Where we got to see Tops in Blue for the first time ever, eat cookies, drink cocoa, and see Santa for the first time this season!!!
The morning of December 11th Bill tested for Senior Master Sergeant!  He felt like his test went well, now the waiting game until March to see if he made it!!!

December 12th I participated in my second Aviano 5K, the Reindeer Dash!  I ran it in 28 minutes 38 seconds, taking almost 30 seconds off my run from the month before.  The evening of the 12th the kids and I took Bill out to BEFeD in Aviano for his birthday dinner! (  They are know for their chicken dinners!  Then home to have pudding cake, which the kids and I made!!!
December 13th Happy Birthday to Bill!!!  We attended the 31 MXS Kids Holiday party, home to relax, then off to the 31 MXS adult holiday party that evening at Cial De Brent (  It was definitely not like the 323rd holiday parties back at Lackland.
Basketball parent orientation for Alyssa and Daniel.  The evening of 16th we got to see the 4th/5th grade performance of Dear Santa.  It was very cute and Alyssa did an great job!!!  Alyssa is the second row from the top all the way to the right!
December 17th Happy 6th Birthday to Daniel!!!  I was able to attend Alyssa's Study Trip to Casa di Roposo (the old folk home) in Aviano then out to eat at Casa Bianca Pizzeria (  All the kids sang to the people at the home, it was amazing to see that even though they were singing in English how much it made their day.  The kids study trips are always so fun!!!  I can't wait for the next one!  Home that afternoon to prepare Daniel's birthday feast, since he didn't want to go out to eat.  His feast consisted of turkey, green bean casserole, blue doritos, peppers, apples, bread, and dipping oil!  He was one happy boy!
Yesterday I spent the day in cozy clothes cleaning up more of the house, it is really starting to feel like home here.  I have even reach out and made a couple Aviano facebook friends!  I continue to work on my master resume, in hopes to turn in my substitute teacher application before the new year!!!

Today after school begins the kids two week Christmas break!  No alarms to wake us up and hopefully we can find some fun things to get into in the area for the next two weeks!  Merry Christmas to all of you and a Happy New Year!!!

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