Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Update from Italy!!!

On December 2nd, we decided to bring Daniel back in to the doctor as he was losing his hearing from his ear infection that he was being treated for.  We found out that the amoxicillian he was taking wasn't getting rid of his ear infection.  At that time they decided that he would need a Rocephin shot, which consisted of two shots, one in each butt cheek to kick start the healing process.  He was also put on Augmentin for the next seven day, which he did not like at all.  On the 5th he went back in for a follow up appointment.  He was not completely back to normal, but looking better.  He has since taken all the medicine is now back to normal.  I was a bit worried when he started to lose his hearing, but all is good now!

On the 5th of December, I got to experience a new volunteer opportunity, working at the Post Office!  I was immediately put at the window getting packages for everyone.  It took me a bit getting the tracking system down, but I got it.  I really enjoyed helping out and can't wait to go back!

The evening of the 5th Hannah, Daniel and I mixed up three batches of cookies to put in the fridge to make the following morning.

The morning of the 6th we were up early rolling out, cutting, and baking cookies, that way they were ready to decorate later that day!

Later that morning Daniel was invited to his friend Grayce's birthday party at Boscomatto Family Park (  All three of the kids had a great time!!!

Back home to spend the rest of the day frosting, decorating and making more goodies for the Cookie Drive on Monday.  We ended up with 17 dozen goodies!  We made no bake cookies, white chocolate popcorn, puppy chow, two different sugar cookies, chocolate marshmallow fudge & gingerbread cookies!!!  Everyone had a great time helping out!
Sunday, the 7th of December we headed on a bus tour with the MXS squadron to Austria to check out a couple Christmas Markets, one in Klagenfurt and one in Villach.  The kids got to see snow on the way, but there was none in the towns.  They were hoping for a snowball fight!  We had a great time eating schnitzel sandwiches, bratwursts, Austria goulash soup, and checking out all the stands and the beautiful towns.  This trip really made me miss all the amazing German food in Germany!
 Monday I brought all the goodies to base for the Cookie Drive!  I have spent the past couple days catching up on laundry, wrapping gifts, finishing up Christmas cards, and just catching up around the house!  The next week and a half is going to go quick with everything going on, then the kids have two weeks off from school for Christmas break!  I can't wait!!!

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