Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Pumpking carving and my last October 2014 post!!!

Halloween 2014!!!

This was taken at the Fall Festival at the Chapel.  Bill and Alyssa made that robot costume that morning!!!

Hiking up the Carnic Alps!!!

Alyssa participated in baton!!!

I wish this went longer as Alyssa really enjoyed baton this year!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Break Part 1...

The kids and I began Christmas break (December 19th) by going to see Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb, while Bill attended a going away party for someone he worked with.  The kids were disappointed that this would be last Night at the Museum with "Teddy" aka Robin Williams.  Only one more movie coming out with Robin Williams in 2015 Absolutely Anything coming out in February.  He made a lot of great movies!!!

The morning of the 20th consisted of reading with the dogs at the Aviano Library!  The kids love doing this a couple times a month!  This photo is with Luca and Lulu!!!
The afternoon of the 20th the kids and I went over to the Weber's while Bill went with Dave to see a movie.  It consisted of some muddy kickball!!!  Once Bill and Dave showed up our date night began, while the kids had a sleepover at the Weber's house.  Bill and I went to Pordenone with the Hardie family to check out the small Christmas market and we ate at Ristorante alla Cantana Pizzeria (  It was very good pizza, I tried something new an apple mozzerella blue cheese pizza and it was really good!!!

On Sunday the 21st Hannah and Daniel were in the Christmas Program at church, it was very cute!!!  Our shepard and head angel!!!
Monday the evening of the 22nd we went to Poffabro, presepe tra i Presepi in Frisanco ( a town that puts out a whole lot of Nativity scenes, they have a few streets blocked off and you look for the nativity scenes high, low, in small places, in windows.  It was a lot of fun!!!  Knowing the reason for the season is very important to me!  This picture is one of the many...
Tuesday, the 23rd, we spent the afternoon at Grotte del Caglieron ( a cave in the Fregona, Treviso area of Italy!  It was amazing and we can't wait to go back!  I will share more pictures later on once I am caught up on posting!
Christmas Eve we spent the day relaxing, we did a little bowling and went to the Christmas Eve Candlelight service!  We opened presents from our immediate family, so the kids could enjoy them before opening the rest!!!  Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!!
Christmas Day Santa arrived!!!  We spent the morning relaxing and had the Weber's over for Christmas dinner.  We took the kids to the local park for a bit then home to eat dinner, play, watch movies, have dessert and Bill and I learned to play Golf!
We have had a very relaxing week so far and one week to go until Christmas break is over.  We have been playing lots of games Junior Monopoly, Sequence, Disney Apples to Apples, Life and more!  Bill has been off work all week, but has to go back on Monday.  Last night the 26th we went to see Disney's Into The Woods, a pretty awesome movie!!!  Until I write again....Have a Happy New Year 2015!!!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Benvenuti tour, Friday 26 September 2014


Hannah & Daniel checking out the pastries!

Daniel at the Pordenone train station!

The kids at the Sacile train station after our train ride!

The girls at the winery!

The kids out in the vineyard!

Sacile American-Italian Friendship Festival

September 2014

Caneoing in the river in Sacile! I went with the girls too, but this was a much better picture!

The last three photos are of the kids going through the Italian Fire Fighter obstacle course!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

First day of School in Italy!!!

First time taking the bus to school!!!

Teacher Ms. Hiyama

Teacher Ms. Cottingham and later switches to Ms. Raymond

Teacher Ms. Anderson