Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

The kids after Trunk or Treat Friday night!!!
I forgot the camera, so I will have to get my pictures on Halloween Day.

The kids sitting down for story time at the library!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Daniel in his costumes!!!

Our little dinosaur!!!

Well, I originally got Daniel this skeleton outfit, but decided this week that he needed an actual costume for the Shine Festival at church. Someone was selling this new dinosaur costume, so I decided that we had to have it. Well, it turned out the skeleton outfit I got I should have bought in a size bigger. It was tight and looked like capri's on him, so he had to wear black socks. And the dinosaur costume fit him perfectly and he loved being in it!!!

Hannah in her bumblebee costume!!!

Hannah makes a perfect little bumblebee!!! We went into the Commissary after storytime yesterday and the kids were wearing their costumes. A lady working there took Hannah's picture in front of the Sue honey set up they had, she said that Hannah was perfect for the display.

Alyssa in her butterfly costume!!!

This year I let the girls pick out what they wanted to be for Halloween off the Old Navy website. This was Alyssa's first choice. She makes a super cute butterfly!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Our Pumpkins this year!!!

The kids

So, this year we all did the scooping, I did the tracing and Bill did all the carving. Here is our final product. The girls designed the bumpy red pumpkin with Bill.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Having fun!!!

Here is a video of them scooping the pumpkin goop:o)

Scooping out the pumpkins!!!!

The kids

Alyssa scooping one of the pumpkins.

Hannah with one of the pumpkins.

Daniel digging for some goop.

Daniel eating the goop:o)

Daniel wiping the goop all over Mom's white shirt.

Daniel helping Daddy with the pumpkin.
This is the first year we have gotten the girls to participate in pumpkin scooping and they had a blast. Alyssa and I picked out, washed and baked 9 cups of pumpkin seeds. We made four flavors: garlic salt, season salt, cinnamon & sugar, and hickory, chili powder, & ceyenne pepper. The last one was Bill's recipe and he brought them all to work. The girls also made two pumpkin pies with me, Grandma Gruenes' recipe. Which by the way turned out excellent, we are saving one to have on Thanksgiving Day.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch!!!

The kids

Hannah Ellen

Alyssa Nikay

Daniel William

Hannah & Daddy in the pumpkin store.

We were able to find a pumpkin patch this year. It was an hour and a half drive, but worth it. We got some unique pumpkins this year, a blue one and and a bumpy red one along with three regular pumpkins. Pictures of this years carved pumpkins are coming up next.

The corn maze...

Daddy & Hannah.

Alyssa off the ground.

Alyssa getting ready to jump.

Mommy & the kids.

Daddy & the girls.

The girls had fun finding their way through the corn maze

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Daniel having fun with the pumpkin goop!!!!

Make sure you watch this with the volume on!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sesame Street Live!!!

The kids in front of the stage after the show.

Watching the show!!!

Daniel playing with his new Elmo light spinner.

Hannah talking to the picture of Elmo.

The girls in front of the picture of all the characters that were there.
Sesame Street Live came to the base for free, they gave all the kids Elmo spinning lights. The show only lasted about a half and hour, but the girls and Daniel had fun watching it. The girls were a little disappointed, especially Hannah, that they didn't get to give any of the characters a hug.

Hannah's most recent accident

So, the day we dropped Grandma and Grandpa off at the airport. We decided to venture to Ramstein to see the new mall/BX. They have a little kids climbing area, which is really nice. Hannah some how got turned around and started running the wrong direction. She hooked her chin on the part you climb up and bite a big chuck out of her tongue. She now has a scar on both her chin and her tongue, it happened about a month and a half ago. My poor little girl, she just has no luck. We were just in Ramstein again this past Friday as we had a Family Day for no DUI's. She was a little more cautious this time and Alyssa was helping her too. Alyssa is such a big helper with her brother and sister.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our last day w/ Grandma & Grandpa...

The kids had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa and can't wait to see them and everyone else again in the next few months. That is before we move ourselves to Texas in June 2010.
We went on a day trip with Mom & Dad to Trier. It was my first time going to Trier by myself without Bill. I just hate the whole parking thing, but I did okay. It is kind of hard to park a mini van in the parking spots here in Europe that are made for little cars.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa with the kids...

by the pond.

Grandpa, Grandma & Alyssa

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Klotten Wild und Freizeitpark

Grandma & Grandpa with the kids!!!

The girls

Alyssa on the horse.

Grandma & Hannah on the swing.

Mommy & Daniel on the horse.

Hannah & Grandma on the horse.

Daniel watching the girls feed the animals.

Hannah & Grandpa feeding the deer.

One of the bears begging for food.

Right after I snapped this picture this deer tried to get Alyssa because she was holding the deer food in her hand.

Grandpa and Alyssa on a ride!!!

Hannah riding the frog.

Alyssa on the frog.

Hannah & Grandpa on the flowerpot ride.

Alyssa & Grandma on the flowerpot ride.

Grandpa and Hannah coming down the boat ride. Hannah absolutely loved this ride. Alyssa tried it with me and wouldn't go down again. I guess Hannah is my dare devil, which doesn't surprise me one bit;o)

Grandpa & Hannah on the horse.

Hannah riding all by herself!!!

Grandma and Grandpa with the goofy kids. Just look at the kids expressions:o)

Grandma and Daniel

Grandpa and Alyssa on the swing.

The girls bouncing.

Alyssa posing for the camera.