Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A day in the life of the Gruenes family...

Daniel watching his sisters feed the fish.

Hannah, Daddy & Alyssa feeding the fish at the pond.

One of the many frogs in our pond.

Daddy & the kids feeding the fish.

Some of the fish.

One of the four turtles in our pond.

The girls fishing.

The girls chasing one of the many cats in Herforst.

The cows in Herforst.

Watching the cows.

The girls talking to the pony.

Some of the ducks in Herforst.

A rooster.

Going for a wagon ride!!!

Out for a walk!!!

Having fun!!!
This is some of the many things we do here in Herforst everyday. The only thing I don't have a picture of yet is the sheep that also live here in our village. There are so many things to go see when we go on our walks. We also enjoy a trip to the local bakery a couple times a week. We sure are going to miss this place when we move.

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

I can just imagine them talking to the pony...very cute :)