Thursday, August 27, 2009

Daniel update...

Daniel is such a cutie pie and he instantly smiles when the camera comes out.

Sitting at the table.

Crawling around outside exploring!!!

So, we no longer have a high chair in our house, Daniel now sits at the table in his booster chair. Just look how proud he is, he is such a big boy!!!

Crawling around in his cute tractor pj's!!!

Being his cute self!!!

Playing with the water bucket!!!

Playing in the grass!!!

Not to much of a change since my last update on Daniel. He now has seven teeth, he got three more in two days just last week. He is crawling all over the place and is just getting on his knees to see more things. Daniel does not really have an interest in standing yet. He likes to crawl under the dining room table and chew on it, which drives me crazy. I am constantly pulling him out from under there. He is a very happy baby and loves to play with his big sisters!!!

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

He is such a happy baby...we can just call him mister smiley!!

I'm getting ready to go over to Mom and Dad's and bring them to the airport...guess that means they'll be there in a little over 24 hours!!